Support 4 Missionaries
Making it EASY to Donate to your Missionary or Church!!

By making purchases on through us, 75% or more,  of the profit is rebated to you  through a donation to your missionary or Church.

Presently we offer AVON products and rebate 75% or more of the profit on your order.  We intend to add more products and services.

Use the referral button below to let others know about us.


This site is dedicated to raising awareness and support for our missionaries, including those who serve at facilities training and equipping our ambassadors for Christ.  We are non-denominational.  As long as the missionary is a Christian, spreading the word of God's love and salvation through Jesus Christ, we are happy to help fund their service.

I know from experience that we all would like to give more, but are limited.  This program is designed to allow us all to give more and donate  through ordinary, everyday purchases.   You make your purchases through us and we rebate 75% or more to you as a  donation to your designated missionary, church or affiliated organization.

For More Information:
Use this link      Sign up Now  to email for more information on how you can help and tell us who will receive the donation.
We will provide you with the Web Link to order from AVON and the number so your Missionary or Church can be credited.


  Missionaries give up life as they knew it, to "Make God Known" throughout the nations.  They rely on those of us still living the "normal" life and making an income to support them through prayer and financial support.  This site will provides additional financial support for missionaries.
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